Level 1 Conservation Measures in Effect
The following water conservation requirements are in effect at all times and are permanent. Violations of this section shall be considered waste and an unreasonable use of water. For more details and information you can read the staff report here or read the water conservation ordinance.
Please note that the following rules apply to ALL residences within the City of Thousand Oaks, regardless of water provider. In instances where your service provider has stricter measures, you must abide by those. Find your water provider here.
Watering hours: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, except by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container, or by use of a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, or for short periods for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system, or for turf refurbishment on a public playing field.
Watering days: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is limited to three days per week. These days may be designated by City Council through Resolution.
Watering time limit: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water using a sprinkler system that includes spray heads and/or bubblers or a watering device that is not continuously attended is limited to no more than 10 minutes of watering per day per station or irrigation zone. Drip irrigation systems (including subsurface) and water efficient devices such as rotator stream nozzles are permitted to operate for a longer period such that an equivalent volume of water is dispensed. In the absence of manufacturer specifications, rotator stream nozzles are permitted to run for 20 minutes and drip systems for up to 60 minutes provided that there is no water runoff.
Obligation to fix leaks, breaks, or malfunctions: Excessive use, loss, or release of water through breaks, leaks, or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing, irrigation, or distribution system for any period after such release of water should have reasonably been discovered and corrected and, in no event more than seven (7) days of receiving notice from the City, is prohibited.
No excessive water runoff or overspray. Runoff, overspray, or excessive water flow from a property from potable water use or from irrigation of any landscape or vegetated areas onto an adjoining property, sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch is prohibited.
Rainfall: No irrigation during and within the 48 hours following rainfall of 0.25 inches or more.
Turf/Grass: Irrigation of non-functional grass on commercial, institutional, and industrial properties is prohibited. This includes HOA maintained landscape areas in condominium, townhome, and apartment complexes. Designation of turf as functional (actively used for recreational purposes) requires application and approval of a waiver by the water purveyor.
Other Restrictions:
No washing down hard or paved surfaces. Washing down hard or paved surfaces, including but not limited to sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, artificial turf, patios, or alleys, is prohibited except when necessary for safety or sanitary purposes, and then only by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off device or a low-volume, high-pressure cleaning machine equipped to recycle any water used or a low-volume high-pressure water broom. The discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system is prohibited pursuant to Section 7-8.201 of this code.
Limits on washing vehicles: Using potable water to wash or clean a vehicle, including but not limited to any automobile, truck, van, bus, motorcycle, boat, or trailer, whether motorized or not, is prohibited, except by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device. This subsection does not apply to any commercial car washing facility.
Laundry Systems: New industrial laundry systems must recirculate the water used in their operations.
Commercial Car Wash Systems: All commercial car wash systems must have installed and utilize operational recirculating water systems unless otherwise exempt under state law and holding a current waiver of this requirement from the City.
Drinking Water: Eating or drinking establishments, including but not limited to a restaurant, hotel, café, cafeteria, bar, or other public places where food or drinks are sold, served, or offered for sale, shall only provide drinking water to any person upon request.
Recirculating Water Required for Water Fountains and Running-water Features: Operating a water fountain or other running-water feature that does not recirculate water is prohibited.
Commercial Lodging Establishments Must Provide Guests Option to Decline Daily Linen Services: Hotels, motels, and other commercial lodging establishments must provide customers the option of not having towels and linen laundered daily. Commercial lodging establishments must prominently display notice of this option in each bathroom using clear and easily understood language.
Single-Pass Cooling Systems: Installation of single-pass cooling systems is prohibited in buildings where new water service is requested.
Dish Wash Spray Valves: Food preparation establishments such as restaurants must use water conserving dish wash spray valves.
HOA/POAs: Irrigation of non-functional grass in HOA maintained landscape areas in condominium, townhome, and apartment complexes is prohibited. Designation of turf as functional (actively used for recreational purposes) requires application and approval of a waiver by the water purveyor. HOAs shall not enforce architectural or landscaping guidelines or policies that prohibit the use of low water-using plants as a replacement of existing turf, or that prohibit, or have the effect of prohibiting, compliance with the City’s water-efficient landscaping requirements. HOAs shall not issue a fine or assessment on a homeowner for reducing or eliminating the watering of vegetation or lawns during a state or locally-declared drought, and shall not fine or require a homeowner to reverse or remove water-efficient landscaping measures upon the conclusion of a water shortage declaration.
Other Conservation Stages
Level 2 - Permanent Water Conservation Measures
Watering hours: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. See Level 1.
Watering Days: three days per week from April 1 through October 31, and two days per week from November 1 through March 31. See complete Ordinance for exceptions.
Watering Duration (10) minutes of watering per day per station. Drip irrigation systems (including subsurface) and water efficient devices such as rotator stream nozzles are permitted to operate for a longer period such that an equivalent volume of water is dispensed. In the absence of manufacturer specifications, rotator stream nozzles are permitted to run for (20) minutes and drip systems for up to (60) minutes provided that there is no water runoff.
Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: Excessive use, loss, or release of water through breaks, leaks, or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing, irrigation, or distribution system for any period of time after such release of water should have reasonably been discovered and corrected and, in no event more than 72 hours of receiving notice from the City, is prohibited.
No Excessive Water Runoff or Overspray. See Level 1.
No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces. See Level 1.
Limits on Washing Vehicles: See Level 1.
Irrigation during and within 48 hours after rainfall measuring 0.25 inches or more is prohibited. See Level 1.
Recirculating Water Required for Decorative Water Fountains and Running-Water Features. Operating a water fountain or other running-water feature that does not recirculate water is prohibited.
See complete Water Conservation Ordinance for additional restrictions. Each conservation level below adds to the prior restrictions.
Level 3 City Water Conservation Measures
Watering hours: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, except by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container, or by use of a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, or for short periods for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system, or for turf refurbishment on a public playing field.
Watering days: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is limited to two days per week from April 1 through October 31 and one day per week from November 1 through March 31, which day(s) may be designated by City Council through Resolution. See complete water conservation ordinance for list of exceptions.
Watering time limit: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water using a sprinkler system that includes spray heads and/or bubblers or a watering device that is not continuously attended is limited to no more than 10 minutes of watering per day per station or irrigation zone. Drip irrigation systems (including subsurface) and water efficient devices such as rotator stream nozzles are permitted to operate for a longer period such that an equivalent volume of water is dispensed. In the absence of manufacturer specifications, rotator stream nozzles are permitted to run for 20 minutes and drip systems for up to 60 minutes provided that there is no water runoff.
Extra irrigation day for specific permitted uses: The following specific uses are permitted one additional day of watering per week (Odd addresses on Monday, even addresses on Friday):
(i) Irrigation as necessary to sustain existing ground cover or other non-turf vegetation planted and essential to maintain slope stability on slopes of at least 6 feet in height and exceeding 20% grade or by City Engineer’s and water purveyor’s approval;
(ii) Irrigation of active playing fields, active recreation areas in public parks, licensed daycare centers and schools, golf course greens and fairways;
(iii) Irrigation of fuel modification zones as necessary to sustain vegetation required as part of original development conditions by the City;
(iv) Irrigation of landscaping installed to mitigate the effects of stormwater pollution as required to meet permit conditions.
Plant establishment: Irrigation of newly installed or significantly rehabilitated landscape for the first 60 days after the first planting is permitted on as many days as necessary to establish plants. Turf, flowers, and annuals do not qualify as landscape for the purposes of this section.
Trees and shrubs: Hand-watering is allowed on additional days as necessary to keep trees and shrubs alive, using a hand-held bucket or similar container, or hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device.
Obligation to fix leaks, breaks, or malfunctions within 48 hours.
No excessive water runoff or overspray. Runoff, overspray, or excessive water flow from a property from potable water use or from irrigation of any landscape or vegetated areas onto an adjoining property, sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch is prohibited.
Rainfall: No irrigation during and within the 48 hours following rainfall of 0.25 inches or more.
Turf/Grass: Irrigation of non-functional grass on commercial, institutional, and industrial properties is prohibited. This includes HOA maintained landscape areas in condominium, townhome, and apartment complexes. Designation of turf as functional (actively used for recreational purposes) requires a City waiver (Apply at: www.toakswater.org/violations).
Other Restrictions
No washing down hard or paved surfaces. Washing down hard or paved surfaces, including but not limited to sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, artificial turf, patios, or alleys, is prohibited except when necessary for safety or sanitary purposes, and then only by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off device or a low-volume, high-pressure cleaning machine equipped to recycle any water used or a low-volume high-pressure water broom. The discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system is prohibited pursuant to Section 7-8.201 of the Municipal Code.
Limits on washing vehicles: Using potable water to wash or clean a vehicle, including but not limited to any automobile, truck, van, bus, motorcycle, or trailer, whether motorized or not, is prohibited for home, mobile, and community events. Only commercial car washes recycling their wash water and those with a Commercial Car Wash waiver issued by the City within the previous five years may operate. An exception is allowed for rinsing watercraft after use in the ocean and for incidental cleaning necessary for repair or detailing work.
Water misters: Use of water misters is prohibited.
Swimming pools and spas: Outdoor swimming pools and spas shall be covered when not in use to prevent water waste through evaporation. HOAs, gyms and other businesses and institutions must cover their pools and spas when the pool/spa is closed. Chemical or liquid pool “covers” are acceptable if documented and applied regularly per manufacturer instructions. Draining and refilling pools and spas is prohibited except upon water purveyor approval for leak repair. (Submit a request with documentation to gogreen@toaks.org)
Ornamental lakes, ponds, or running-water features: Running-water features using potable water must be turned off. Topping up, filling or re-filling of ornamental water features with potable water is prohibited, except to the extent needed to sustain aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to the declaration of a Water Supply Shortage. During the declared shortage, additional aquatic animals may not be added to the water feature.
Level 4 City Water Conservation Measures
Watering hours: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, except by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container, or by use of a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, or for short periods for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system, or for turf refurbishment on a public playing field.
Watering days: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water is limited to one day per week, which day may be designated by City Council through resolution, with the following exceptions:
(i) Use of water in a community garden providing garden plots to the public, or to home fruit and vegetable gardens less than 300 square feet;
(ii) Use of reasonable amounts of water by commercial nurseries and commercial growers to sustain plants, trees, shrubs and other vegetation intended for commercial sale;
(iii) Hand-watering of trees and shrubs using a hand-held bucket or similar container, or hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, as necessary and sufficient to keep them alive.
Watering time limit: Watering or irrigating landscape and vegetated areas with potable water using a sprinkler system that includes spray heads and/or bubblers or a watering device that is not continuously attended, is limited to no more than ten (10) minutes of watering per day per station or irrigation zone. Drip irrigation systems (including subsurface) and water efficient devices such as rotator stream nozzles are permitted to operate for a longer period such that an equivalent volume of water is dispensed. In the absence of manufacturer specifications, rotator stream nozzles are permitted to run for twenty (20) minutes and drip systems for up to sixty (60) minutes provided that there is no water runoff.
Extra irrigation day for specific permitted uses: The following specific uses are permitted one additional day of watering per week:
(i) Irrigation as necessary to sustain existing ground cover or other non-turf vegetation planted and essential to maintain slope stability on slopes of at least 6 feet in height and exceeding 20% grade or by City Engineer’s and water purveyor’s approval;
(ii) Irrigation of active playing fields, active recreation areas in public parks, licensed daycare centers and schools, golf course greens and fairways;
(iii) Irrigation of fuel modification zones as necessary to sustain vegetation required as part of original development conditions by the City;
Irrigation of landscaping installed to mitigate the effects of stormwater pollution as required to meet permit conditions.
Trees and shrubs: Hand-watering of trees and shrubs using a hand-held bucket or similar container, or hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, as necessary and sufficient to keep them alive.
Irrigation system: The use of spray sprinklers for irrigating landscape and vegetated areas is prohibited. Only drip irrigation systems may be employed with the following exceptions:
(i) Bubblers may be used to irrigate trees and shrubs provided that there is no runoff;
(ii) Irrigation of active playing fields, active recreation areas in public parks, licensed daycare centers and schools, golf course greens and fairways;
(iii) Irrigation of existing ground cover or other non-turf vegetation in steep or inaccessible areas where installation of a drip irrigation system is impractical due to accessibility, steepness or density of existing vegetation;
(iv) Irrigation of existing non-turf, climate-appropriate ground cover where drip irrigation is unsuitable due to the density of existing vegetative cover provided that water efficient heads such as rotator stream nozzles are used;
(v) Irrigation of trees within existing CII turf areas where an existing sprinkler system is in place, spray heads serving turf are capped, and those spray heads irrigating trees are replaced with water efficient heads such as rotator stream nozzles;
(vi) Irrigation of CII non-turf landscaping where drip irrigation presents an unreasonable maintenance challenge due to excessive vandalism, destruction by wildlife, or breakage as a result of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: Excessive use, loss, or release of water through breaks, leaks, or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing, irrigation, or distribution system for any period of time after such release of water should have reasonably been discovered and corrected and, in no event more than forty-eight (48) hours of receiving notice from the City, is prohibited.
No Excessive Water Runoff or Overspray: Runoff, overspray, or excessive water flow from a property from potable water use or from irrigation of any landscape or vegetated areas onto an adjoining property, sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch is prohibited.
No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces: Washing down hard or paved surfaces, including but not limited to sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, artificial turf, patios, or alleys, is prohibited except when necessary for safety or sanitary purposes, and then only by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off device or a low-volume, high-pressure cleaning machine equipped to recycle any water used or a low-volume high-pressure water broom. The discharge of pollutants to the storm drain system is prohibited pursuant to Section 7-8.201 of this code.
Rainfall: No irrigation during and within 48 hours after rainfall measuring 0.25 inches or more is prohibited. Rainfall data from the closest rain gauge operated by the Ventura County Watershed Protection District shall be used for this determination.
Swimming pools and spas: Outdoor swimming pools and spas shall be covered when not in use to prevent water waste through evaporation. HOAs and CII entities must cover their pools and spas when the pool/spa is closed. Chemical pool “covers” are acceptable if documented and applied regularly per manufacturer instructions. Topping up with more than one and a half inches of potable water per week is prohibited. Draining and refilling pools and spas is prohibited except upon water purveyor approval for leak repair. (Submit a request with documentation to gogreen@toaks.org)
Water Misters: Use of water misters is prohibited.
Limits on Washing Vehicles: Using potable water to wash or clean a vehicle, including but not limited to any automobile, truck, van, bus, motorcycle, or trailer, whether motorized or not, is prohibited for home, mobile, and community events. Only commercial car washes recycling their wash water may operate. An exception is allowed for incidental cleaning necessary for vehicle sale, repair or detailing work.
Ornamental Lakes, Ponds, or Running-water Features: Running-water features using potable water must be turned off. Topping up, filling or re-filling of ornamental water features with potable water is prohibited, except to the extent needed to sustain aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to the declaration of a Water Supply Shortage. During the declared shortage, additional aquatic animals may not be added to the water feature.
Dust Suppression: Dust suppression for fugitive dust that is subject to Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Rule 55 shall not employ potable water during the drought except via an approved waiver.
Showering at gyms and athletic facilities: Showers shall be closed with a physical barrier and sign informing members that showering is prohibited unless the facility provides proof to the City that all showers are fitted with showerheads that do not exceed a flow rate of 1. 8 gpm at 80 psi. Acceptable proof includes:
i) Invoices or receipts from a licensed plumber or contractor documenting the installation of devices that meet the standard;
ii) Inspection by city staff (fees may apply);
iii) Permit data showing the facility was constructed or remodeled to the standards set forth in the 2019 Title 24, Part 11, California Green
Building Standards Code.
Brown Lawns, Code Enforcement, and HOA/POAs: State law prohibits HOAs and POAs from requiring members to irrigate lawns during a drought. A stay on code enforcement actions against brown or dead lawns will be in effect for the duration of the Level 4 Water Supply Shortage, not exempting the requirements for the removal of vegetation presenting a fire hazard and weed removal. Re-landscaping of dead or brown lawns including those in HOA properties, and landscaping required under development permit conditions but delayed as a result of the drought, shall be granted a grace period of six months after the Level 4 Water Supply Shortage is declared over to install landscaping.
View complete Water Conservation Ordinance for details.
Level 5 City Water Conservation Measures
NO Watering Hours from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. See Level 1.
Watering Days: Outside watering with potable water is prohibited, with the following exceptions:
i) Drip irrigation systems, bubblers and rotator stream nozzles may be employed on one day per week on residential properties and up to two days per week on CII properties, which day(s) may be designated by City Council through Resolution, to water trees only as necessary and sufficient to keep them alive.
ii) Hand -watering of trees using a hand-held bucket or similar container, or handheld hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device, only as necessary and sufficient to keep them alive.
iii) Irrigation of active playing fields, active recreation areas in public parks, licensed daycare centers and schools, golf course greens and fairways may occur on up to two days per week, which days may be designated by City Council through Resolution, as necessary to preserve their ability to function for public use.
iv) Use of reasonable amounts of water by commercial nurseries and commercial growers to sustain plants, trees, shrubs and other vegetation intended for commercial sale.
v) Irrigation using drip irrigation systems, bubblers and rotator stream nozzles one day per week, which day may be designated by City Council through Resolution, to sustain existing ground cover or other non-turf vegetation planted and essential to maintain slope stability on slopes of at least six (6) feet in height and exceeding 20 percent grade or by City Engineer's and water purveyor's approval;
vi) Irrigation of fuel modification zones using drip irrigation systems, bubblers and rotator stream nozzles one day per week, which day may be designated by City Council through Resolution, to sustain vegetation required as part of original development conditions by the City.
Turf/Lawn: Irrigation of turf, except for active public recreation areas as listed in exceptions above, is prohibited. Waivers previously granted for irrigation of functional turf on CI properties may be rescinded by the Public Works Director.
Irrigation system: The use of spray sprinklers is prohibited.
Obligations to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: within 24 hours.
No Excessive Water Runoff or Overspray. See Level 1.
No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces. See Level 1.
Irrigation during and within 48 hours after rainfall measuring 0.25 inches or more is prohibited. See Level 1.
Ornamental Lakes, Ponds, or Running-water Features: Running-water features using potable water must be turned off. See Level 4.
Swimming Pools and Spas: See Level 4.
Water Misters: Use of water misters is prohibited.
Limits on washing vehicles: See Level 4.
Showering at gyms and athletic facilities: See Level 4.
Dust Suppression: See Level 4.
Brown Lawns, Code Enforcement, and HOA/POAs: State law prohibits HOAs and POAs from requiring members to irrigate lawns during a drought. A stay on code enforcement actions against brown or dead lawns will be in effect for the duration of the Level 5 Water Supply Shortage, not exempting the requirements for the removal of vegetation presenting a fire hazard and weed removal. Re-landscaping of dead or brown lawns including those in HOA properties, and landscaping required under development permit conditions but delayed as a result of the drought, shall be granted a grace period of six months after the Level 5 Water Supply Shortage is declared over to install landscaping.
View complete Water Conservation Ordinance for details.
Level 6 City Water Conservation Measures
All Outdoor Watering or Irrigating with potable water is prohibited.
Obligations to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: within 24 hours. See Level 5.
No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces. See Level 1.
Ornamental Lakes, Ponds, or Running-water Features: Running-water features using potable water must be turned off. Topping up, filling or re-filling ornamental lakes, ponds, or running-water features with potable water is prohibited.
Swimming Pool Covers: Outdoor swimming pools shall be covered when not in use.
Water Misters: Use of water misters is prohibited.
Vehicle Washing: All vehicle washing is prohibited.
Swimming Pools and Spas: No pool permits will be issued and filling of pools and spas is prohibited.
Showering at gyms and athletic facilities is prohibited.
Dust Suppression: See Level 4.
No New Potable Water Service. Except for the resetting or turn-on of meters to provide continuation of water service or the restoration of service that has been interrupted for one year or less, no new potable water service will be provided, no new temporary meters or permanent meters will be provided, and no statements of immediate ability to serve or provide potable water service (such as will-serve letters, certificates, or letters of availability) will be issued, except under the following circumstances:
The project is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; or
The applicant provides substantial evidence of an enforceable commitment that future water demands for the project will be offset (i.e., net zero water use).
Meter recall: The Public Works Director may recall previously issued temporary construction meters.
Brown Lawns, Code Enforcement, and HOA/POAs: State law prohibits HOAs and POAs from requiring members to irrigate lawns during a drought. A stay on code enforcement actions against brown or dead lawns will be in effect for the duration of the Level 6 Water Supply Shortage, not exempting the requirements for the removal of vegetation presenting a fire hazard and weed removal. Re-landscaping of dead or brown lawns including those in HOA properties, and landscaping required under development permit conditions but delayed as a result of the drought, shall be granted a grace period of six months after the Level 6 Water Supply Shortage is declared over to install landscaping.
View complete Water Conservation Ordinance for details.
Your water provider may have additional requirements. Please refer to your water agency's website for details.
To obtain an application for a hardship waiver regarding the City of Thousand Oaks Water Conservation Ordinance Requirements:
Please download a Hardship Waiver Application [PDF]. Please fill out and return to the Public Works Department at the City of Thousand Oaks.
Please note: This waiver is only applicable to City of Thousand Oaks water customers. If you are a customer of either California American Water or California Water Service, please find their contact information here.